Веселые человечки: культурные герои советского детства - страница 214



Anne Nesbet’s «In Borrowed Balloons: The Wizard of Oz and the History of Soviet Aviation» places the Russian translation of L. Frank Baum’s The Wizard of Oz (1900) into the context of Soviet culture. In 1939, Aleksandr Melent’evich Volkov, a professor of metallurgy, translated Baum’s book into Russian, although the translation was described as a «reworking,» and as time passed, Baum’s role in the creation of the story was progressively minimized. Volkov’s Wizard of the Emerald City became a great hit, and at the end of the 1950s he produced a substantially revised edition of his fairytale, followed by a number of sequels; the popularity of his books has lasted into the post-Soviet era. At the same time as he was translating The Wizard of Oz, Volkov wrote yet another novel for children with «ballooning» as a central theme, The Wonderful Sphere, based on the historically dubious claim that a Russian man in Riazan in 1731 had actually been the world’s first balloonist, fifty-two years before the Montgolfier brothers. Published in 1940, Volkov’s novel was a prescient forerunner of the campaign for «Russian priority» in all technical areas, a campaign that became official policy in the late 1940s. A.M. Volkov thus had a hand in two appropriations at once: he turned an American fairyland into a beloved series of Soviet children’s books, and he was one of the earliest popularizers of the claim that Russia, not France, was truly the «motherland of aviation.»

Natalia Smolyarova’s «Winnie-the-Pooh: An Adult Book for Children» compares the Russian version of «Winnie-the-Pooh» written by Boris Zakhoder to the original by A.A. Milne. Zakhoder’s rendition of the classic is remarkable for the combination of his thorough effort at translation and his distinctively individual narrative style. Unlike Milne’s original intended for the adults, Zakhoder’s translation was aimed at children and has become a cult text of Russian children’s culture since its publication in the 1960s. As part of his translation project, Zakhoder wrote original poems and invented new words and phrases, which remain in the language of Russian children today. While treating the original in creative ways, Zakhoder retained its intricate structure, preserving Milne’s distinct styles corresponding to the three contexts of narrative events — Christopher-Robin and his toys in the nursery, little animals in a forest, and father and son at bed1time. Smolyarova also traces the history of illustration of the tales made by E. Shepard in England and A. Poret in Russia, and also examines the toy prototypes of Milne’s main characters.

Yuri Leving’s «„There Must be Somebody There…“: Winnie-the-Pooh and the New Animation Aesthetics», discusses the Russian cartoon version of A.A. Milne’s classic stories, arguing that the work of Fyodor Khitruk’s team between 1969 and 1972 testifies to aesthetic and ideological shifts that took place in Soviet animation during the post-Khrushchev era.

Maria Mayofis’s «Sweet, Sweet Trickster: Carlson and the Soviet Utopia of ‘Real Childhood’» explores the history of Soviet cultural perceptions of Carlson, the protagonist of a trilogy by Astrid Lindgren. The author examines Soviet reviews of Lindgren’s books as well as theatre performances based on its plot in order to demonstrate that the character of Carlson was transformed into a metaphor of individual freedom and social nonconformity. Furthermore, the two-part cartoon version (1968, 1970) of Lindgren’s texts interpreted Carlson as an embodiment of theatricality and turned the narrative into a form of reflection on Soviet culture of the 1960s.

Sergey Kuznetsov’s «Zоо, or Films Not About Love» offers a sociological discussion of the images of Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, the characters of children’s stories by Eduard Uspensky adapted for television in a series of cartoons, which achieved cult status in the USSR as well as in other countries. Kuznetsov focuses on melancholy and the sense of alienation as the distinctive traits of the main characters. He also discusses literary and social models for the development of juvenile and adult folklore around the figures of Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka.


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