Веселые человечки: культурные герои советского детства - страница 213




И Чебурашка, и Масяня выигрывают от навязанной им роли (приобретая опыт, друзей). Им нравится бороться с чем-то другим, хотя это «другое» в данном случае относится к мейнстриму — в случае с Чебурашкой это советский коллектив, в случае с Масяней — общество потребления. Кроме того, оба персонажа пассивны — они проявляют себя и играют, чтобы создать видимость реального действия и вовлеченности. Следовательно, если рассматривать Масяню как «продолжение» Чебурашки, то можно провести параллели между обществами и эпохами, в которые они были созданы: в сериале про Чебурашку и Крокодила Гену эпоха «застоя» оформляется такими мотивами, как социальное отчуждение героев и их уход в игру, тогда как в мини-фильмах о Масяне постсоветская эпоха наделяется сходными чертами. Однако здесь социальное одиночество героев определяется иными, чем в «застойную» эпоху, причинами — не столько политическими, сколько экономическими.

Перевод А. Плисецкой


Sergei Ushakin’s introductory article provides an overview of the culture of «Soviet childhood,» situating «merry little heroes» in a broader social and cultural context. The characters discussed in the collection were distinctly liminal in relation to mainstream culture, yet it was precisely their liminal position that explained their cult status and made them play a crucial role in Soviet culture. Drawing on Lacanian distinctions between the symbolic, the imaginary, and the real, Ushakin argues that these characters compensated Soviet audiences for the disintegration of the Soviet symbolic by enhancing the imaginary, while simultaneously evoking the traumatic real and helping to control the fear. Thus, the liminal position of «merry little heroes» reflected the interim and ambivalent character of late Soviet culture, characterized by elusive meanings, non-working taxonomies, and blurred perspectives.

Konstantin Bogdanov’s «’The Most Human Little Man’: Volodya Ulyanov» discusses transformations of the image of young Lenin, which became a central figure in Soviet propaganda of children’s culture during the 1920s and 1930s, and retained its prominence until the 1960s. In Soviet mythology, baby Lenin, as a playful and adventurous child, stood in opposition to Stalin, a symbolic father whose childhood, by order of Stalin the man, remained forbidden for representation. The article analyses the technology involved in the production of the young Lenin by examining ideologically motivated editing imposed on all memoirs about him beginning in the 1920s.

Kevin Platt’s «Drs. Dolittle & Aibolit Visit the Trauma Ward» examines Korney Chukovsky’s tales about Doctor Aibolit (Doctor Ouchithurts) through the lens of trauma theory. Starting with Chukovsky’s creative adaptation of Hugh Lofting’s stories about Dr. Dolittle, which reflected their author’s traumatic experience in WWI, Platt continues by placing the main corpus of Chukovsky’s work in the context of social violence of the 1920s and 1930s. He also considers the death of Chukovsky’s daughter as an influential factor in his creative process. Platt concludes by discussing Chukovsky’s little-known tale «We Shall Conquer Barmalei» («Odoleem Barmaleia») in relation to the author’s experience of WWII and, in particular, to his loss of his son. Platt treats the extraordinarily frank portrayal of grotesque violence in this last tale as the key to understanding the evolution of Chukovsky’s art as part of the historical process.

Mark Lipovetsky’s «Buratino: Utopia of a Free Marionette» discusses the ideological meaning of Buratino in Alexey Tolstoy’s Zolotoi kliuchik (The Golden Key). Combining the study of archival materials with a close reading of Tolstoy’s text, Lipovetsky argues that Buratino is not just a paradigmatic trickster but also a manifestation of Tolstoy’s utopia of freeplay in the context of rigid ideological limits. Alexander Prokhorov’s «Three Buratinos: Evolution of a Soviet Film Hero» treats Buratino as an archetype in Soviet culture. Discussing Alexander Ptushko’s film The Golden Key (1939), Dmitrii Babichenko’s and Ivan Ivanov-Vano’s film The Adventures of Buratino (1959), and Leonid Nechaev’s television feature The Adventures of Buratino (1975), Prokhorov argues that the changes in the portrayal of Buratino represented the evolution of values in Soviet culture. Explaining the post1Soviet failure to follow Soviet culture by generating its own cinematic version of Buratino, Prokhorov points to the rupture in the cultural tradition that occurred during the late-Soviet period.


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