Троя: Пять тысяч лет реальности и мифа - страница 130



Kayan et al. Geoarchaeological — Kayan I., Oner E., Uncu L., Hocaoglu B., Vardar S. Geoarchaeological Interpretations of the «Troian Bay» // Troia and the Troad. Scientific Approaches. Издательство Springer, 2003.

Kayan. Kesik plain — Kayan I. Kesik plain and Alacaligöl mound an assessment of the Paleogeography around Troia // Studia Troica. Bd. 18. Tübingen, 2009.

Kayan. The Troia Bay — Kayan I. The Troia Bay and Supposed Harbour Sites in the Bronze Age // Studia Troica. Bd. 5. Tübingen, 1995.

Kayan. The Water Supply — Kayan I. The Water Supply of Troia // Studia Troica. Bd. 10. Tübingen, 2000.

Knacke-Loy et al. Zur Herkunftsbestimmung — Knacke-Loy O., Satir M., Pernicka E. Zur Herkunftsbestimmung der bronzezeitlichen Keramik von Troia. Chemische und isotopengeochemische (Nd, Sr, Pb) // Studia Troica. Bd. 5. Tübingen, 1995.

Korfmann, Kromer, Demircihüyük — Korfmann М., KromerB., Demircihüyük, Besik-Tepe, Troia — Eine Zwischenbilanz zur Chronologie dreier Orte in Westanatolien // Studia Troica. Bd. 3. Tübingen, 1993.

Korfmann. Beşik Tepe — Korfmann M. Beşik Tepe: New Evidence for the Period of the Trojan Sixth and Seventh Settlements // Troy and the Trojan War: A Symposium Held at Bryn Mawr College, October 1984. Bryn Mawr (PA), 1986.

Korfmann. Troia — Ausgrabungen 1990 — Korfmann M. Troia — Ausgrabungen 1990 und 1991 // Studia Troica. Bd. 2. Tübingen, 1992.

Korfmann. Troia — Ausgrabungen 1993 — Korfmann M. Troia — Ausgrabungen 1993 // Studia Troica. Bd. 4. Tübingen, 1994.

Korfmann. Troia — Ausgrabungen 1994 — Korfmann M. Troia — Ausgrabungen 1994 // Studia Troica. Bd. 5. Tübingen, 1995.

Korfmann. Troia — Ausgrabungen 1995 — Korfmann M. Troia — Ausgrabungen 1995 // Studia Troica. Bd. 6. Tübingen, 1997.

Korfmann. Troia — Ausgrabungen 1996 — Korfmann M. Troia — Ausgrabungen 1996 // Studia Troica. Bd. 7. Tübingen, 1997.

Korfmann. Troia in the Light — Korfmann M. Troia in the Light of New Research. Trier, 2003.

Korfmann. Troy: Topography — Korfmann M. Troy: Topography and Navigation // Troy and the Trojan War: A Symposium Held at Bryn Mawr College, October 1984. Bryn Mawr (PA), 1986.

Korfmann. Was There a Trojan War? — Korfmann. Was There a Trojan War? // Archaeology. 2004 (vol. 57), № 3.

Kraft et al. Geology — Kraft J. C., Kayan I., Erol O. Geology and Paleogeographic Reconstructions of the Vicinity of Troy // Troy. The archaeological geology. Princeton, 1982.

Kraft et al. Sedimentary Facies Patterns — Kraft J. C., Kayan I., Brückner H., Rapp G. Sedimentary Facies Patterns and the Interpretation of Paleogeographies of Ancient Troia // Troia and the Troad. Scientific Approaches. Издательство Springer, 2003.

Krönneck. Troian bird — Krönneck P. Troian bird remains: environment and hunting // Troia and the Troad: Scientific Approaches. Berlin, 2003.

Lawrence Angel. The Physical Identity — Lawrence Angel J. The Physical Identity of the Trojans // Troy and the Trojan War: A Symposium Held at Bryn Mawr College, October 1984. Bryn Mawr (PA), 1986.

Leake’s Remarks — [Leake M.] Leake’s Remarks on the Trojan Controversy // The classical journal. 1818, September.

Luce. The Case — Luce J. V. The Case for Historical Significance in Homer’s Landmarks at Troia // Troia and the Troad. Scientific Approaches. Издательство Springer, 2003.

MacLaren. A Dissertation — MacLaren Ch. A Dissertation on the Topography of the Plain of Troy. Edinburgh, 1822.

MacLaren. The Plain of Troy — MacLaren Ch. The Plain of Troy Described and the Identity of the Ilium of Homer with the New Ilium of Strabo Proved Comparing the Poet’s Narrative with the Present Topography. Edinburgh, 1863.

Mannsperger. Das Dardanische Tor — Mannsperger B. Das Dardanische Tor in der Ilias // Studia Troica. Bd. 3. Tübingen, 1993.

Mannsperger. Die Funktion — Mannsperger B. Die Funktion des Grabens am Schiffslager der Achäer // Studia Troica. Bd. 5. Tübingen, 1995.

Mellaart. The End — Mellaart J. The End of the Early Bronze Age in Anatolia and the Aegean // American Journal of Archaeology. 1958 (vol. 62), № 1.



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